Legal fields
All facets of real estate law. Competent and pragmatic.
Private building law
There are frequently disputes among those involved in during a construction project. Timely advice and support in legal issues can prevent or at least reduce the potential for disputes. Good contracts contribute to this, as does quick and competent help in cases of conflict. In private building law we offer comprehensive representation and advice – if possible out of court, but if needed also in court on the following questions:
building contracts with building companies, (general contractors, project coordination consultants, sub-contractors, workmen),
developer contracts [Bauträgervertrag],
claims to remuneration
enforcing and defending against claims for defects [Mängelrechte],
contractual penalties due to delays in the construction schedule and delay in completion,
termination of building contracts in case of default, inadequate performance, refusal to perform and insolvency of the principal or the client,
preserving evidence in case of construction defects and planning errors (establishing proof when settling claims for defects, arbitration procedures, advice on commissioning private experts).
What can we do for YOU?
Send us your request – we will be pleased to take care of it.