Kai-Peter Breiholdt, lawyer
Specialised lawyer for tenancy and residential property law

Mr Breiholdt advises you especially in real estate transactions and in property law. Other specialisations are residential property law and brokerage law.
Study of law at the Universities of Tübingen and Hamburg, legal clerkship at the Kammergericht [Court of Appeal].
Many years in the legal department of a Berlin real estate company. Founding of Breiholdt Rechtsanwälte law firm late in 1999.
- Lecturer on property law at the Europäische Immobilienakademie [European Real Estate Academy].
- Member of the working group on tenancy law and real estate in the German Association of Lawyers.
- Speaker of the task force on tenancy law and apartment owners’ associations in the Berlin Lawyers’ Association.
- Deputy chairperson of the owners’ protective association Haus und Grund Berlin.
- Member of the legal committee of Haus und Grund Deutschland
Mr Breiholdt also works for you in the English language.
Phone: +49 30 20 14 484 – 0
Email: k.breiholdt@breiholdt-legal.de
What can we do for YOU?
Send us your request – we will be pleased to take care of it.